Monday, February 8, 2010

Importance of Social Media Promotion

Learn a partial secret of this new web marketing strategy

Social media was born in the year 2006 and at that time nobody knows that this platform can be a powerful marketing campaign tool until the time Twitter emerged in the cyber world as the first micro-blogging site that everybody was crazy talking about it since it is currently the "In Trend" and if you don't have your own Twitter account then you are tagged as living in the dinosaur era. :P
Social Promotion Increased Sales in Top 1000 Corporations

Major businesses and top corporations all over the world are now going crazy recruiting the right marketing guru who is an expert in social media marketing to introduce their corporate sites using social media promotion. Why? Because they envisioned this new forms of social interaction from website to website.
Please note that "Social Profiles" in the web are not only individual persons but includes business profiles. Business firms all over the world are inter-connecting together using social sites and have increased their sales tremendously since the start of 2009. Sales margins goes up in the average of 200-350% of their annual gross sales.
Social Marketing Definition
Social media marketing or promotions are often interpreted as part of bringing traffic to your sites through link building process which is often done to increase traffic to websites. This is a big misconception. Social media campaigns are done to expand your social network and that can be in two ways: personal or business. Based from my experience, the best thing to describe social promotion is: "Doing business with pleasure" since you meet real people online while promoting your business in the proper streams of traffic.
Proper Social Promotional Strategies
Social marketing is the newest trend that has just started last January, 2009 and this strengthened when Twitter and Facebook emerged in the cyber world that are some of the websites that are widely used for social media promotion.
Internet marketing companies began to incorporate this new online marketing method in their services but there are some of them who have not really understood the proper marketing approach and techniques that will lead to the project's success at the end of the campaign (normally done 3-6 months) and their clients have been emailing our firm for consultation on how we can improve the social campaign and we have informed and serviced their websites with smiles on these clients faces. Feeling of great relief that their investments have paid off in the end.
I am planning to make a book for social marketing strategies since there are campaigns that can also be harmful to your website and as a whole your social identity in the web. This is what most new webmasters did not know at all. I am drafting a separate article/blog that serves a social marketing guide to avoid such dilemma for new webmasters and to our subscribers as well.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Importance of Social Media Promotion

Importance of Social Media Promotions
HTML clipboardLearn a partial secret of this new web marketing strategy
Social media was born in the year 2006 and at that time nobody knows that this platform can be a powerful marketing campaign tool until the time Twitter emerged in the cyber world as the first micro-blogging site that everybody was crazy talking about it since it is currently the "In Trend" and if you don't have your own Twitter account then you are tagged as living in the dinosaur era. :P
Social Promotion Increased Sales in Top 1000 Corporations
Major businesses and top corporations all over the world are now going crazy recruiting the right marketing guru who is an expert in social media marketing to introduce their corporate sites using social media promotion. Why? Because they envisioned this new forms of social interaction from website to website.
Please note that "Social Profiles" in the web are not only individual persons but includes business profiles. Business firms all over the world are inter-connecting together using social sites and have increased their sales tremendously since the start of 2009. Sales margins goes up in the average of 200-350% of their annual gross sales.
Social Marketing Definition
Social media marketing or promotions are often interpreted as part of bringing traffic to your sites through link building process which is often done to increase traffic to websites. This is a big misconception. Social media campaigns are done to expand your social network and that can be in two ways: personal or business. Based from my experience, the best thing to describe social promotion is: "Doing business with pleasure" since you meet real people online while promoting your business in the proper streams of traffic.
Proper Social Promotional Strategies
Social marketing is the newest trend that has just started last January, 2009 and this strengthened when Twitter and Facebook emerged in the cyber world that are some of the websites that are widely used for social media promotion.
Internet marketing companies began to incorporate this new online marketing method in their services but there are some of them who have not really understood the proper marketing approach and techniques that will lead to the project's success at the end of the campaign (normally done 3-6 months) and their clients have been emailing our firm for consultation on how we can improve the social campaign and we have informed and serviced their websites with smiles on these clients faces. Feeling of great relief that their investments have paid off in the end.
I am planning to make a book for social marketing strategies since there are campaigns that can also be harmful to your website and as a whole your social identity in the web. This is what most new webmasters did not know at all. I am drafting a separate article/blog that serves a social marketing guide to avoid such dilemma for new webmasters and to our subscribers as well.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

How Does Social Networking and Promotion Affect You

The First Steps

Technology has really been really amazing in this current time zone... Unlike in the early 70's and up to the 90's. Communication was through snail mail and dialing the phone only. If you do have a telephone unit in your house then your the man! LOL

Now, time has made great changes in every aspect of communicating with people. From the birth of cellphones, internet boom that created emails, instant messengers, etc. While small Gameboy devices were replaced with Xbox, PS3, Wii and all sorts of gadgets that man has never ceased on inventing.

Wow, the world has really changed in terms of technology. It really has changed our lives. In fact, we now have two worlds that exist in our life. The "REAL" and the "CYBER" lives. Each a separate world of their own.

Even businesses nowadays have vastly changed. There are less salesmen who knocks on your doorstep but there are great population of online spammers and scam artist in the net. Whew, more dangerous than I thought. Getting into your own private cyber world through hacking programs and sending virus through emails. Yup! Things have been different nowadays.

Cyber World - The New Social Environment

This is the fun part. Most people are getting so hooked with these new gadgets, PC and laptops that almost a large chunk of the population around the world forgot the "REAL" world out there. Most of their time are used in front of these new technologies and have forgotten make time to socialize in the real environment. Socializing are mostly done online or through the internet. Well, that goes with business transactions as well. Which is the best part of doing business without passing through traffic during the rush hours or fly to another part of the world and be pissed off with flight delays.

MySpace versus Facebook

Actually, it was just a few months back that MySpace was one of the most famous social sites that most people do their socializing activities rather than going on gigs or parties. The more friends they get, the more famous your profile in the world of MySpace. Even in Hi5 that is the social site used in Europe or Friendster which is the site of most Asian countries. But when Facebook and Twitter started to be the talk of the cyber world, down goes the old social sites.

I read from one of a blog post that those who still have their MySpace or Friendster accounts and still uses them, they are categorized as the "poor" people. While those who are into Facebook or Twitter are the "rich" ones. Wow! I never thought of that before.

Is There a Secret Social Networking Tool

I guess that the real online scenario why Facebook and many other social sites are beginning to be on top of the cyber world is due to the fact that their website programmers have adapted new web technologies by using Web 2.0 applications and social sites are now integrating accounts to each other. Aside from the many new features that is user friendly, easier to use and various social applications embedded in each of these social sites that has make cyber life of online users to be more convenient.

I have been doing business and socializing in the web for almost 15 years and have seen the many changes in the internet world and it these major changes are quite beneficial and more easier for me to do business or promote a product, website or even market people and achieve our goals in a faster phase compared to how we conduct business online 2-3 years ago.

Social Promotion Does Apply for Both Personal and Business Goals

There are moments that I tried to develop web applications to automate tasks faster and efficiently without using black hat techniques just to get traffic to a site. Actually, one of the greatest online tools is to use Social Networking to promote products or new websites and no need to spam forum threads or send bulk emails to unknown email lists where you really don't know if the recipients are the right leads that are interested in the business that you are promoting. Wasting lots of time, effort and money.

The Cause and Effect of Social Promotion

In ending, everything is now automated and online marketing is easier achieved if you know the proper online channels or what social sites that will be helpful to achieve your goals. Whether it is personal or professional goals that you are targeting, depending on the business niche that you are promoting or the social crowd that jives with the same interests as yours.

But the biggest lesson I learned in my online marketing career is that even on the cyber world, you must be cautious in all your business or social undertakings and act as a "REAL HUMAN", being aware of the do's and dont's, as if you are in the real world. There's no big difference dealing socially in both the "real" and the "virtual" world. Be always true and honest in everything that you post online and even with all of your email correspondences. Because each posted item in the web can make you or break you in the end. The worst part here is that it can stay online forever that even your grand kids may see how you promoted yourself in the early days.

The Golden Rule still applies in the cyber world as it is in our real world... Promote yourself wisely!