Monday, February 8, 2010

Importance of Social Media Promotion

Learn a partial secret of this new web marketing strategy

Social media was born in the year 2006 and at that time nobody knows that this platform can be a powerful marketing campaign tool until the time Twitter emerged in the cyber world as the first micro-blogging site that everybody was crazy talking about it since it is currently the "In Trend" and if you don't have your own Twitter account then you are tagged as living in the dinosaur era. :P
Social Promotion Increased Sales in Top 1000 Corporations

Major businesses and top corporations all over the world are now going crazy recruiting the right marketing guru who is an expert in social media marketing to introduce their corporate sites using social media promotion. Why? Because they envisioned this new forms of social interaction from website to website.
Please note that "Social Profiles" in the web are not only individual persons but includes business profiles. Business firms all over the world are inter-connecting together using social sites and have increased their sales tremendously since the start of 2009. Sales margins goes up in the average of 200-350% of their annual gross sales.
Social Marketing Definition
Social media marketing or promotions are often interpreted as part of bringing traffic to your sites through link building process which is often done to increase traffic to websites. This is a big misconception. Social media campaigns are done to expand your social network and that can be in two ways: personal or business. Based from my experience, the best thing to describe social promotion is: "Doing business with pleasure" since you meet real people online while promoting your business in the proper streams of traffic.
Proper Social Promotional Strategies
Social marketing is the newest trend that has just started last January, 2009 and this strengthened when Twitter and Facebook emerged in the cyber world that are some of the websites that are widely used for social media promotion.
Internet marketing companies began to incorporate this new online marketing method in their services but there are some of them who have not really understood the proper marketing approach and techniques that will lead to the project's success at the end of the campaign (normally done 3-6 months) and their clients have been emailing our firm for consultation on how we can improve the social campaign and we have informed and serviced their websites with smiles on these clients faces. Feeling of great relief that their investments have paid off in the end.
I am planning to make a book for social marketing strategies since there are campaigns that can also be harmful to your website and as a whole your social identity in the web. This is what most new webmasters did not know at all. I am drafting a separate article/blog that serves a social marketing guide to avoid such dilemma for new webmasters and to our subscribers as well.